our unique approach: Yoga taught
in the structure of martial arts
A proprietary learning curriculum that gives you competence and confidence in your yoga practice.
If you’ve ever sat on your mat in the back of a room wondering how to do a yoga pose,
this method is for you.
At each ribbon level, you’ll learn how poses are done, why they are done, how to customize them to your body and ability today, how to improve and progress, and how to get the most out of yoga, whatever your physical skill.
Students begin with White Ribbon foundational classes. These 4 classes teach you the alignment, breathing, and movement essentials necessary to build every pose.
You then progress to Red Ribbon and move at your own pace as your flexibility, balance, and strength grows.
The Ribbon Levels
Warmup - Breath
Sun Salutations
Expanded Sun Salutations
Full Sequence
Level I Inversions
Expanded Twists
Level II Inversions
Solo Practice
Level III Inversions
Learn by Teaching
Bound Inversions
The Classes
White Ribbon - Foundations
These “instruction + flow” classes include plenty of movement as well as hands-on guidance in the foundational poses of yoga. Learn the importance of breath, how to set your body up for proper alignment in all poses, and how to do - or NOT do - poses so that you are always comfortable in a yoga class.
Ribbon Classes - Red-Indigo
In every Ribbon class, we warm up with a 30-minute flow. We then break down a new pose each week and conclude the class with a flow incorporating the new pose.
Red-Indigo Ribbon Levels are together and we learn how to do each pose at up to seven levels of skill.
MindfulFlow Classes
All Ribbon levels (White - Indigo) come together for a unique flow experience. Each student practices the sequence according to the poses they’ve learned and strength they’ve built.
The last 15 minutes of each class are reserved for a brief Mindfulness discussion on a different topic each week.
our Proprietary Curriculum
“Within four weeks, you will experience a measured increase in your physical capabilities. But what will really change your life is the knowledge you’ll take off your mat”
55+ Poses
7 levels of advancement
3 meditation methods
Meditation in each class
Ideas from recognized thinkers
Science, philosophy, spirituality, pop-culture

A new approach.
Radical outcomes.
Deep knowledge.
Measurable flexibility.
Focused presence.
Get started
Max 12 students
4 White Ribbon; 4 Mindful Flow
Design the schedule to your availability
$299 includes a Liforme mat ($140 value)
Pick a class to get started
our origins & Our Team
The YMI concept was created by Melissa Garland, a lifetime student of movement and mindfulness, and a studio owner and teacher/trainer since 2013. Melissa landed on the idea of a martial arts-style structure in 2022 and at that very moment, Jace Barrett, a 4th-degree taekwondo black belt and newly-minted yoga teacher, walked in the door. Since then, they have refined the curriculum and methodology of the YMI concept, testing it out with students, and working with physical and behavioral health professionals to ensure that all the elements are grounded in the latest scientific research.
Sage Matthews is an experienced yoga teacher who has progressed rapidly through the YMI program and now brings her joyful presence to our classes.